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Tuesday, February 11, 2020

How can we incorporate local knowledge into climate planning and policy? …Maps!

In Kenya, participatory mapping makes it possible for indigenous knowledge to be included in planning and policy where for too long it
was excluded, showing technology can bring people’s voices to power.

Pastoralists in Isiolo County, Kenya recorded their knowledge and use of drylands resources on georeferenced satellite maps through a participatory mapping process (Photo: copyright James Pattison/IIED)

Isiolo County in northern Kenya’s arid and semi-arid region is typical of many dryland landscapes. Pastoralists face increasing challenges to ensure their animals have enough pasture and water in an environment characterized by variable and unpredictable rainfall.

The fact that publicly accessible, quality drinking water for people and livestock is scarce – due to high demand and low supply exacerbated by climate change and years of underinvestment in local water infrastructure – makes this challenge even greater.

One of the obstacles to effective climate-resilient development is the lack of appropriate tools for planning and institutional weaknesses within local governments. Proper planning and structures and climate financing the mechanism can ensure that people’s priorities and their deep customary institutional knowledge is integrated into planning to ensure that people can have thriving livelihoods despite the increasing impacts of climate change.

The process of participatory mapping shows how technology can be used to enable community members to express local knowledge in a way that the government understands. In Kenya it is clear: maps have been instrumental in helping to address power imbalances and enable indigenous knowledge to be recognized and incorporated into planning and policy where for too long it was excluded.

Mapping the problem

To address issues around the lack of appropriate planning tools that reflect people’s priorities, the Adaptation Consortium (Ada) – a group of state and non-state organisations under Kenya’s National Drought Management Authority – established the County Climate Change Fund (CCCF).

This mechanism enables community institutions to make decisions about how climate adaptation funds are spent and introduces participatory planning and decision-making tools so local priorities and knowledge are included in government policy and implemented. It has been key to making it possible to digitally map Isiolo’s resources in a way that is truly participatory.

In 2013, when the first fund was established in Isiolo County with DFID support, Ada Consortium partners held workshops with government officials, CCCF Ward County Climate Planning Committee representatives and traditional leaders to carry out participatory digital resource mapping to pinpoint the location and quality of key resources.

By bringing communities and government officials together to explain and digitally map soil types, grazing areas, drought reserves, water points and their quality, as well as potential farming areas, county government facilitators could map customary natural resource management regimes based on the planned mobility of livestock to carefully chosen grazing areas.

In the process of developing the maps, they learnt the importance of the Dedha, a customary council of elders responsible for regulating communal grazing reserves on a flexible, seasonal basis, depending on availability of resources and local need – and a key source of local information.

The maps show how poorly placed water sources were driving overgrazing. For example, the water points at Kinna township, a sub-county drought reserve that borders Meru National Park, and Yamicha in nearby Merti township, were shown to be providing permanent water access to an area traditionally designated as a drought reserve.
``As a result of this process of participation, local expertise can be expressed in a language that government uses, translating informal knowledge into formal policy and planning.``
This encouraged year-round grazing for those willing to break the customary rules that limit access until resources elsewhere have been depleted. The reserves were becoming overgrazed, undermining sustainable use and driving conflict over grazing resources.
Using participatory digital resource maps have helped change this. The maps provide evidence for the value of closing some water points, demonstrating the need for the Dedha’s customary knowledge to support decision making and maintain sustainable grazing regimes. As a result, the Ward County Climate Planning Committees have used CCCF funds to support the Dedha to function, and to close or reopen water points in line with local strategic priorities.

Strengthening protection and elevating voices

The mapping tool offers communities and their representatives an opportunity to shape the evidence used by government to inform spending, policies and laws.

By allowing them to choose what resources to map and how to map them, they make processes or areas of interest visible that are not typically seen by government officials – including customarily restricted grazing reserves, livestock routes, spiritual sites and informal trading spaces that they feel are important to protect. The maps strengthen the voices and ability of people to protect sites that matter.
This is important, because it is customary institutions and rules that dominate how people manage variability and unpredictability across Kenya. These institutions have developed sustainable approaches to managing their landscapes out of necessity, and often shape the way people use resources, but are not formally recognised by government.

As a result of this process of participation, local expertise can be expressed in a language that government uses, translating informal knowledge into formal policy and planning. Their digital, publicly verifiable nature increases accountability, by making clear the evidence on which decisions are being made.

In 2016, the maps informed the development of the Isiolo Customary Natural Resource Management Bill and were used as evidence justifying the designation of grazing areas. Significantly, it also allocates responsibility to the Dedha elders for coordinating the country’s natural resources, ensuring they are conserved and protected, applying traditional penalties for rule breakers and escalating to the formal courts If necessary

To date, the bill has run into the messy reality of county government politics. Political parties with allegiances to particular ethnic groupings, each with their own customary grazing systems, want to make sure that one pastoralist group’s customary rules are not given prominence over others.
All sides want to make sure that the bill reduces, rather than fuels, conflict. Getting the bill through the county legislative process will require further negotiation between political representatives to recognise the multiple grazing regimes in place and to develop a fair representation that remains sustainable.

Mapping challenges and potential

Making sure the maps retain local knowledge, are participatory and are up to date is not without its challenges. First, the maps need regular updating, which costs money. And the number of county staff who can update them needs to increase, which requires training programmes for the staff.
Neighbouring Wajir County, which has also set up a CCCF, has already established a GIS Mapping Lab to solve that challenge.
Gender considerations are also important. One of the challenges is to involve women and to ensure that the information that is gathered is gender balanced. The Dedha is dominated by older men and traditionally views women as peripheral to customary decision making, leaving women without the right to make decisions about livestock or land.
As a result, the different challenges that men and women face from climate change or resource scarcity are typically ignored, because women are not in the room during key decision-making about land management or the design of water points and their placement.
The challenge is to ensure that the map-making process recognises and incorporates multiple perspectives and encourages dialogue.
These issues can only be addressed through using a patient approach. While women are increasingly represented in formal spaces, the path to representation in customary spaces is still unclear and the process is slow.
With new CCCFs introduced in neighbouring Wajir, Garissa, Makueni, Kitui, Vihiga and, most recently, Tharaka Nithi, this process will be duplicated, increasing the potential for shifting entrenched power structures.
The fact that government in Kenya is decentralised also means that local governments can independently choose to use the maps to inform planning – integrating the perspectives of historically marginalised groups into government action, bringing the people’s voices to power.
This blog was originally posted on the From Poverty to Power website.

City leaders need to rise to the climate change challenge

City leaders from around the world are meeting in Abu Dhabi for the 10th World Urban Forum on sustainable urbanization (8-13 February). IIED director Andrew Norton and Maimunah Mohd Sharif, executive director of UN-Habitat, highlight the need for leaders to work with residents of informal settlements in order to prepare for the impacts of climate change.
 An open sewer runs in front of homes in Mukuru informal settlement in Nairobi, Kenya (Photo: SuSanA Secretariat, via Flickr, CC BY 2.0 )

As national governments struggle to agree on climate action, city leaders attending the Tenth World Urban Forum (WUF10) in Abu Dhabi this week need to show they can rise to the challenge.
Adapting to climate change is a huge challenge for urban areas around the world. It is particularly significant for cities in the developing world, which are expected to be home to over two billion more people by 2050.

As these cities grow, they will expand further into areas at risk from sea-level rise, flooding, and landslides, with poorer residents concentrated in the most hazardous places. Already, many are being hit by disasters that science shows will be more frequent or intense due to climate change.

More than one billion people – mostly in Africa and Asia – are living in slums or informal settlements that are particularly vulnerable to climate impacts. The women, children, and men living in these areas face additional problems due to low-quality housing, poor access to public infrastructure and services, and are often politically and socially marginalized. Even a small rise in temperatures has a big impact as homes and workshops have corrugated iron roofs, making them unbearably hot.

The mayors and governors gathering from around the world has a major role to play in making sure their cities are prepared for the rapidly escalating impacts of climate change

Planners will need to use new types of information to guide their investment decisions, including more detailed scientific data on climate trends and how they will affect urban environments, such as whether higher temperatures, sea-level rise or river flooding are likely to be the most critical issues for their cities. They will need training and support to use this information to guide their decisions on what infrastructure to prioritize and how to work with residents to reduce these risks.

Local governments also need to recognize communities’ knowledge of the nature of risks and vulnerabilities in low-income and informal urban centers. It is critical for all decisions about how best to adapt cities to climate change involve the people who are most affected. This is crucial to make sure action meets people’s needs and changes behavior.

In Mukuru, a large informal settlement in Nairobi, Kenya, the county government has been working directly with local people to transform the quality of buildings, which will also help the settlement be more resilient to climate change.

Residents have been at the center of identifying their priorities and what needs to be done. National urban policies – as identified in UN-Habitat’s 'new urban agenda' – play a key role in ensuring local governments have appropriate levels of autonomy and resources to address the climate crisis.

Changes need to include working with nature – or bringing it back into the city by planting trees and developing green spaces to reduce temperatures and flooding as in Gorakhpur, India. Community gardens and urban agriculture have helped reduce flooding, while also improving poor residents’ nutrition and helping them earn money from selling vegetables.

Reducing risks requires substantial investment, whether to improve coastal defenses, drainage, water supplies or for working with nature. It is not just the amount of money, it is also important it is invested where it matters – in and for communities. IIED shows in ‘Money where it matters: designing funds for the frontier’, how a fundamental reform of climate finance distribution, including through locally managed funds and smart municipal national investments, can target finance effectively to meet the poorest people’s climate needs.

In response, UN-Habitat has dedicated one of its new flagship programs for the next five to 10 years to support national governments, municipal administrations and communities to mobilize climate investments in and for urban poor communities.

But this needs to happen alongside improving low-income housing, job opportunities, education and healthcare. City governments must make sure that safe and affordable land is made available for sustainable development of poorer communities and neighborhoods, for people to improve their own homes, while NGOs and community architects can help to develop affordably designs that can withstand the impacts of climate change.

Much more needs to be done to address how the climate crisis affects cities, particularly people living in informal settlements. It is crucial they are included in designing the solutions.

Zanzibar economy suffering effects of climate change

The development of the Indian Ocean archipelago of Zanzibar is being held back by the effects of climate change, according to a senior minister on the island.
Agriculture, fishing and tourism are all being negatively impacted as sea-levels and temperatures rise.
Zanzibar says it doesn’t have the resources to counter the effects of climate change.
It’s brought a delegation to a conference on small island developing states or SIDS currently being held in Samoa, in the Pacific Ocean, in order to build partnerships and get recognized itself as a small island nation.
Daniel Dickinson asked Fatma Fereji, Minister in the First Vice President's Office of Zanzibar, to explain the affects of climate change. be updated soon